The first drop of black
on an ocean of white
writes pain
on her skin
a story about, who
she might have been,
All along her spine
a book,
of who she wished
she could have been,
across each hip
angel’s wings,
only for love
is all she breathes,
the birth of a
blonde haired son,
Cio Cio San sings,
So, she waits,
through sunrise
and three years of shade,
till one fine day
she would rather die
than live with
her true love’s betrayal,
white powdered tears
cut through her veins,
She holds her son close
till he can hardly breathe,
tells him to remember her face
in his dreams,
With a blindfold of silk
she stops him from seeing,
tilts her head to the moon
clutches the blade,
draws it deep
let’s music escape
the shrill notes of love
bringing death and peace,
her wings tremble
until their last note,
she hears his voice
call her,
but it is too late.
(Inspired by a book on Madame Butterfly by Puccini.)

Doreen Duffy
Doreen Duffy studied creative writing at Oxford online, UCD, NUIM. Published internationally. She won The Jonathan Swift Award & The Deirdre Purcell Cup at Maria Edgeworth Literary Festival. Shortlisted, Francis MacManus Competition, her story ‘Tattoo’ broadcast / RTE Radio One. She is studying for her Master’s Creative Writing at DCU.
Twitter: @doreen_duffy13