The path was unclear,
Now the road is non-stop.
Paved the way for women of Ireland
To make it to the top.
Unwilling to sit back and remain unheard,
You ignited fire in our bellies.
The freedom to let our opinions be aired,
Ensuring our battles wouldn’t be as heavy.
Looking at my life through a microscope
I reflect on the thanks I wish I could give them.
Our fore sisters have provided boundless hope,
By paving the way and rocking the system.
(Inspired by ‘Rocking the System – Fearless and Amazing Irish Women who Made History’ by Siobhan Parkinson.)

Holly Dignam
Holly Dignam lives in Dublin and works in the area of community engagement in UCD. She believes in equality for all and the importance of working with and for communities, in particular with people experiencing mental health difficulties and homelessness. In her spare time, Holly enjoys reading, meditating and a good cup of tea.
Twitter: @hollydignam