I kept my eyes closed, feeling rays of
sunlight wink through the chink in the
curtains, caressing my cheek like a lover.
And in the realms,
between sleep and wakefulness,
I sensed it.
What it was, I cannot say, but it brought
such a pure sense of calm and peace.
The first experienced since our world
transformed from a land of freedom
to one so uncertain, that fear and
anxiety became daily companions.
Senses heightened, I listened,
took a long breath, released it slowly.
It was touching another world.
(Inspired by the words of Stephen King in ‘Joyland’.)

Susan Condon
Susan Condon was awarded a Certificate in Creative Writing from NUI Maynooth. Her short stories have won numerous awards including first prize in the Jonathan Swift Creative Writing Award. Publications include Boyne Berries, Ireland’s Own Anthology, My Weekly, Live Encounters, The Flash Fiction Press and Spelk.
Twitter: @SusanCondon